Sunday, August 11, 2013

my first time

So there is a tag going around YouTube and at first glance it looked totally awkward and *insert giggles here*, but then I started looking through the questions and actually thought it was a good idea! So without further ado, take a gander down memory lane with me as review my first times!

Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
I am blessed enough to still be with my first love :)

What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
Well, I am only 19 but I'd be lying if I said I've never had a sip of an alcoholic beverage. I believe that my first alcoholic drink was a sip of my dad's beer.

What was your FIRST job?
 My first job was babysitting! but then my first official job was working at a bookstore.

What was your FIRST car?
A Jeep Wrangler Unlimited X :D

Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
 Ryan <3

Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
Ryan again

Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Mrs. Carlson

Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
Disney World

Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
I met Betsy in pre-school and we are still best friends to this day!


Where was your FIRST sleep over?
My grandparents house

Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?
My mom

Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
My cousin Jenny, I was her flower girl.

What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Check my phone

What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
My first concert was going to see The Plain White T's

FIRST broken bone?
Knock on wood, I've never broken a bone!

FIRST piercing?
I had my earlobes pierced when I was five years old.

FIRST foreign country you've gone to?
I went to the Bahamas with my family!

FIRST movie you remember seeing?
MULAN! I was such a big Mulan fan, I never took off my Mulan costume. Ever.

When was your FIRST detention?
Freshmen year for not having my shirt tucked in...I'm such a rebel

Who was your FIRST roommate?
Does my sister count?

If you had one wish, what would it be?
For there to be a cure for cancer!

What is something you would learn if you had the chance?
I would love to learn how to cut hair!

Hopefully this post pushes you to stroll down memory lane! This definitely made me think of some good old times with friends and family!

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